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Correlations are getting screwed up Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 8

Posts: 8
Lets say I have 5-10 auto correlations in a request body. if the restore any one to recorded value, the remaining correlations are pointing to wrong places. There is no way to revert it. I will have to delete all correlations and recreate them.

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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
Thanks for reporting your experience.

StresStimulus is designed to maintain script integrity while a user can make any required script changes provided that they are correctly made. The behavior described can be caused either by a user error or by a potential software glitch. We have not received similar reports so we will investigate based on your input. There are two possibilities of how user error can cause this behavior:

1. When manual editing the request's recorded body after correlation has been applied. StresStimulus gives a warning that changing the request can break parameters. If you need to make the change, then after that, rerun autocorrelation.

2. When manual modifying the autocorrelation parameters stored in the .ssconfig file. Such modification can be made using script editor

Check if you can replicate the issue. To do so:
  1. Rerun the autocorrelation
  2. Make sure that the parameters are not shifted.
  3. Perform your script changes one more time considering the above recommendations.
  4. If you can still replicate the shifting parameters, please describe your exact steps, and we will investigate.

- Cheers
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