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Comparing recorded and replayed sessions Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
Is it possible to let StresStimulus compare the received responses with the recorded ones? I want to use StresStimulus (partially) for regression testing, so if a piece of data has changed in the response compared to the initially recorded test, it should give an error.
I also notice that the body size = 0 for the received responses from the test case. I wonder how the application calculates the amount of received bytes when the bodies are not stored with the test results? Responses are not kept? Maybe I am just missing something here.

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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
By default during the test run, StresStimulus purges bodies of all non-error responses. Before purging, it takes the response size measurement for performance reporting.
One way of comparing sessions is to use the Verify operation, when StresStimulus replays the test case with 1 VU/1 iteration without truncating responses. The Session Validation tree in the “verify test case” section provides very easy way to compare recorded and replayed sessions, as described in the item 2 of this post
Another way to suppress purging response bodies is to run the test in the “debug” mode as shown below.

If you need to keep the response bodies during regular test run, change “purge response bodies” settings in the “result storage” section to None, as shown below.

To compare sessions, after the test is complete, in the “request details” grid select the required request and click the “show ...” button on the toolbar to display all  replayed sessions in the fiddler grid, as shown below.

After that, select the session you need (as you may have multiple VUs/ multiple iterations), right-click and in the context menu select “StresStimulus commands” -> "compare with matching test case session". The same "text comparison inspector" will show you changes in the response.

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