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Avg. trans. time doesn't match Avg. request time Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
We are unable to understand how “Avg transaction response times” and “Avg time to receive the response (TTLB)” are calculated and how are they related to each other.

Eg: The Avg response time is 79.13 sec and sum of all Avg time to receive response (TTLB) is 102.82 sec. we are unable to understand how sum of all avg time to receive is higher than avg response time of transactions. Also please help us, how to derive avg response times of transaction from request details. As of now we are interpreting (sum of all avg time to receive response(TTLB) of request details = Avg transaction response times)
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
Here is how transaction time and TTLB time are calculated:
  • Transaction time = (Latest TTLB time – First request time). Note the latest TTLB does not mean the last request’s TTLB. For example, if requests #1 and #2 are requested in parallel, and response for #2 comes first, then TTLB of #1 will be used for transaction time calculation
  • Request’s TTLB = (Response time – Request Time)
Some requests in transactions are sent to the server in parallel as described This is why, in your example, the sum of all Avg. times to receive a response is greater than the Avg. transaction time. By design, they are not supposed to match.
For an in-depth analysis of your application performance profile, I suggest looking at the waterfall diagram as described to see the concurrency of the requests/responses in a transaction.
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