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Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 509
Can you help me understand the difference I’m seeing between VU Details and Test Case Details below?

Iteration time for VU’s on Test Case “LIQ Principal Payment” = 128.266 + 36.643 / 2 = 82.455 Average, but the Test Case results say 52.45.

I’m also not sure why the 2nd VU running the same test case runs so much quicker, any ideas? 128 vs 36 and 116 vs 28 – such a huge difference.

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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 555

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 555
The VU iteration time is the amount of time between the start of iteration and end of iteration. It includes all think times and delays, if you add them. The Test Case Avg time is the time spent for sending and receiving requests and responses. It excludes any think time and delays. This may explain why VU Iteration time > Test Case Avg.
As for your second question, about the big disparity between 2VUs running the same test case. It is hard to answer the question without looking at your results. One reason is that the VUs are running on different load generators. Perhaps agent QATestPerf is geographically closer to the server than the Local agent (Controller). Also, make sure that the controller is not overloaded.
I can suggest to compare individual requests time between a “fast” and “slow” VU using the dual waterfall chart to see what requests are causing the slowness. Dual waterfall charts are described
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