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Authentication integration methods Messages in this topic - RSS

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514

Unregistered User
Unregistered User
Posts: 514
What AD / authentication integration methods are available?
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George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566

George @StresStimulus
George @StresStimulus
Posts: 566
Whatever your application authentication infrastructure may be, (for example AD-based), StresStimulus will support its performance testing.

During recording a scenario, StresStimulus will determine the authentication method used and then will automatically create a test script that supports that method. After that the script can be configured to support multiple user credentials that can be added to the scripts by attaching a csv or Excel file. We do not call it “integrated” with the AD” as there is no connection between the tool and the AD, but instead “supporting AD authentication methods”.
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