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Julian Montoya
Julian Montoya
Posts: 1

Julian Montoya
Julian Montoya
Posts: 1
Hello, I'm trying to use the tool for my first time and I'd like a simple explenation about how I could interpret the results displayed by the tool in the Test Summary. In advance, thank you very much for any help
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Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583

Vadim @StresStimulus
Vadim @StresStimulus
Posts: 583
Hi Julian,

To answer your question let me use an analogy. Web load testing is somewhat similar to a cardiac stress test that requires walking on a treadmill with different speeds and inclines while taking multiple ECG measurements, which are compared in conjunction with the load levels at the end.

In order to get a good picture of your web site/application/service scalability, which is performance under increasing load, you need to run tests multiple times with various loads. Interpreting performance metrics should go hand in hand with the load conditions in these tests.

Here are few examples how you can interpret the Summary Report: 

  • If failed/total request ratio starts exceeding acceptable level as you reach certain load, then you have reached the limit of how many users your site can handle until quality will start degrading.

  • The response time is a broad measurement of how the performance looks from the end-user point. You need to establish what the acceptable response time for your user base is.

  • Requests/sec and bytes/sec sent/received indicates number of transactions and bandwidth, respectively, that your server/farm should be able to service to handle planned user base.

  • When comparing results of several runs, check report’s sections: Test Case Summary, Test Parameters and Test Run, to make sure that the tests are configured according to your plan.

Note: the Summary report gives only average and aggregated performance characteristics. StresStimulus also generates graphs and request detailed grid that gives more detailed information.



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