Recommend a feature for future StresStimulus versions.

Allow cloning of test case Messages in this topic - RSS

Brianna Blanchard
Brianna Blanchard
Posts: 76

***Was developed in v3.0***
Perhaps this is already a feature, but I couldn't not find it: I would love to be able to clone a test case. Just cloning the sessions still forces me to repeat a lot of the set up work. Currently, if I want to create an identical test case with the exception of one or two settings (for example, the datasource use to parametrize a set of requests), I have to redo all my settings like specific think times for pages and Cache Control settings. It would be much better if I could clone the entire test case and tweak it as needed.
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Max @StresStimulus
Max @StresStimulus
Posts: 101

Max @StresStimulus
Max @StresStimulus
Posts: 101
We actually do not have the Clone Test Case feature yet. We will try to develop it in v3.0.  In the meantime, use this workaround 

  1. Create a copy of the .saz file in the same location, and give it a %name%_1

  2. Open script editor.

  3. Clone (copy and paste) the Testcase node, and change the Name to new saz file name  %name%_1 and Id to a new Guid.

  1. Find every node that has an attribute TestCase. Clone it and change the TestCase property to the new Guid.

  1. Hit save and exit

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Brianna Blanchard
Brianna Blanchard
Posts: 76

Thanks for the workaround; it looks like it will definitely cut down on the work of replicating a test case. As far as I can tell, that will allow me to "clone" the general test case settings (like %100 new VU and iteration delay time) and the parameter substitutions, but not the page settings (like primary requests and manual think times for each page). Is that correct?
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Max @StresStimulus
Max @StresStimulus
Posts: 101

Max @StresStimulus
Max @StresStimulus
Posts: 101
It should preserve all page settings. Let me know if it doesn't.
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Brianna Blanchard
Brianna Blanchard
Posts: 76

It does! That's fantastic smile I didn't realize that just importing the .saz file would save all those settings. That's the part that was the most troublesome for me.
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Max @StresStimulus
Max @StresStimulus
Posts: 101

Max @StresStimulus
Max @StresStimulus
Posts: 101
I'm glad it helped.
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