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Davide Restelli
Davide Restelli
Posts: 4

Davide Restelli
Davide Restelli
Posts: 4

First question:
using "verify" and "run parameter finding" I would have expected that StressStimulus had configured dynamically some fields such as querystring tokens or cookies.
(like creating extractor - saving variables)
However, in the column "replace with" I find myself with only dots, which seem to me that StressStimulus is replaying the original value of the column "recorded value".
Is that correct? This means that I have to configure each parameter manually for each request?

Another question:
how the auto-correlated parameters works in detail?
it seems to me that it's using the default values?? coming from the server if they are not modified, and propagates the value from the previous request to the next one. Correct?

Thank you
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