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2.0 specials: Only 2 weeks left. Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 59

Posts: 59
Please check our three specials that will make the transition to 2.0 smoother and more exciting. The specials will be available until the end of this month.
1. Evaluation Special. Looking into the existing licensing option, but need more time before placing an order? If you initiated your free trial before 9/7/12, we will reserve the pre-9/10 pricing until 9/30/12, so you can order the license you like. To use the Evaluation Special, please email sales@StimulusTechnology.com the licensing option you are interested in, and we will email you a private order link.
2. Beta Friend Special. If you initiated your free trial or joined the community site between 6/26/12 and 9/7/12, we will reserve a 10% discount code valid for any order placed between 9/10/12 and 09/30/12 (use invitation code Beta_Friend_10%).
3. Upgrade Special. If you purchased a Pro Edition full license during the beta (between 6/26/12 and 9/7/12) and want to upgrade to the Enterprise Edition full license by 09/30/12, your upgrade surcharge will be waived, plus your upgrade cost will be reduced by 10% of the Enterprise Edition. To use the Upgrade Special, please email  sales@StimulusTechnology.com your existing serial number and what licensing option you are interested in upgrading to, and we will email you the details.

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