Stressless Load Testing

All About Performance Testing & Tools for Web, Mobile and API

What's new in v1.1, Part 4 - Other Areas

This is the fourth post in the series of four, describing new features in v1.1.


4.1 Prompt to save Test.If the current test was changed or a new test was created, a prompt to save will appear before closing Fiddler or opening another Test.




4.2 Test connection to StresStimulus licensing server in one-click.To clear any doubts about StresStimulus's licensing server being up and running, in the StresStimulus menu, click License, then click Test Connection .



4.3 Have a question, suggestion or found a bug?Submit it in one-click from StresStimulus



Also, v1.1 is compatible with Fiddler, released on 10/09/11, while v1.0 and 1.1 beta are not fully compatible, due to some changes in fiddler API. Upgrade strongly recommended.


To navigable to the other parts of the v1.1 release notes, click the links below:



<-- Read the previous part 


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