Stressless Load Testing

All About Performance Testing & Tools for Web, Mobile and API

Version 4.6 is Live Now

StresStimulus 4.6 was launched today. The focus of this version is on test visualization, extending support for new lines of Enterprise products, and integration with other systems. We added Hex and Web views, visual replay of traversing test cases, and webpage screenshots on test reports. Dynamics CRM recorded scenarios are now supported universally. Visual Studio users can load tests applications that were untestable before by importing their StresStimulus script. Here's a full list of new features and enhancements

Easier Test configuration

1.    Hex View in Session Inspector. You can now view the request and response inspector in hex view, which is useful if the response is binary.  

2.    Quick find an extractor by a parameter through visualization. For any parameter, select Show on Extractor Tree, to display its parent extractor.

3.    Excluded Hosts List. Now you can have not only full host names, but also a host name with wildcards.  

4.    Excluded Content Type List. Now you can have not only the complete content type, but also a content type with wildcards.

5.    Autocorrelation of applications using Bearer Token Authentication.

6.    Dataset Ranges. You can now specify a range of the dataset you want to use for your test run. This is useful when you must use unique records from a dataset for every test run.  

7.    The Set-Cookie option allows to manually parameterize cookies. This is necessary in some rare cases when cookies are set by client logic. Generally, cookie correlation is handled by StresStimulus automatically.

8.    When verifying an extractor In the Create Extractor dialog, the extracted section of the response is highlighted to provide visualization of the the extraction rule. In the previous versions, such visualizations did not work when complex encoding schemes were used In responses. Now this limitation is removed.

9.    When recording a scenario in a non-browser or mobile app, the option to "group request into pages" was disabled as webpages are likely to not exist. Transactions should be used instead of pages in such applications.

10.  Search Variations. Now you can search for encoded/decoded variations of a string. This can help you find a string that can be encoded with special characters using encoding methods such as URL encoding, HTML encoding, HEX escape encoding. To do so, make sure the Search Variations box is checked in the Find Sessions Dialogue.

11.  Disable Extractors. You can now temporarily disable an extractor (created manually or by autocorrelation) to check if it is really necessary.

12.  VU distribution between test cases . You can review and optionally modify VU distribution between test cases before starting a test. 

Better Test Case Visualization

13.  Web View in Session Inspector. You can now view the request and response inspector in web view.  

14.  Web View in the Compare Sessions Inspector. You can compare screenshots captured during records and verify. This helps to quickly pinpoint the differences or view errors.  

15.  Visual replay of webpage navigation during the verify. During verify, the test case is replayed at a slower pace to give user a chance to preview succession of web pages appearing in the web view. In the previous versions, this feature was available only in the fiddler add-on version. now this feature available in the standalone version as well.

16.  Page screenshot on the test reports. now you can displays the page screenshot on Page subreport - Summary View  

17.  12 new timers for every session. The timers are now available for every session to gauge performance of various events including DNS lookup time, initial connection, SSL, time for sending and receiving requests and responses. It can be accessed through in the inspector toolbar.

18.  Verify Description. Now you can add a description for each verify run so that you can keep track of the changes you make to your test case between verifys. The description will also show the time and the test case you verified.

19.  Test case recording time-stamp. A new property Recorded On is added to the test case. It displays the date and time when the test case was recorded. 

More Realistic Emulation

20.  Substantially expanded the set of supported Web clients. It includes many more web browsers, smart phones and tablets.  

21.  Substantially expanded the set of supported network types. It includes Wireless, mobile and with many more connection types.

22.  User Groups. Now you can assign VUs to certain user groups for use in test cases that require server authentication. This is useful to differentiate between regular VUs and those whose credentials grant them higher permissions.

23.  More accurate page break down. In the previous versions, some Ajax requests could be false-positives for a new page. For example, requests triggered by a mouse over or drop-down actions could potentially create new pages. In the current version, only requests triggered by a click or "Enter" create a page.

24.  More flexibility when inserting objects on the test case tree. Now you can insert objects before or after the selected point.

Advanced Proxy and Encryption

25.  Added support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 secure / encryption protocols. In the previous versions, only SSL and TLS 1.0 were supported.

26.  HTTPS scenarios on mobile devices. Now you can record Test scenarios on all mobile devices via HTTPS in the Standalone version. This became possible because of implementing an HTTP listener that enables downloading StresStimulus root certificate via wireless connection.

27.  Now StresStimulus automatically detects if your proxy settings must be configured manually.

28.  Overriding system proxy settings. If your company uses a system proxy, now you can configure the gateway proxy settings in case the system proxy cannot chain automatically. You can also bypass it.

Integration with Other Solutions

29.  Web Test Script Generator for Visual Studio. Now you can export your test case to Visual Studio's ".webtest" format after StresStimulus automatically creates missing parameters. 

30.  Full fiddler compatibility. This version of StresStimulus is now fully compatible with the latest versions of Fiddler.

Other Improvements

31.  Free version with up to 250 VUs in a standalone StresStimulus version. Previously the free version was available only in the Fiddler add-on version.

32.  Improved reliability of screenshots. In the previous versions, some pages missed screenshots. In this version, every page will have a screenshot taken at the time when the user clicks to request the next page. 

33.  Improved search reliability in all trees and inspectors by trimming leading and trailing spaces and removing special characters that are added when pasting from the clipboard.

34.  Line Marking in the "Find All" command in the script editor is fixed. 

35.  Replay Sessions. Now you can replay sessions to view the server's response to ensure the requests were correctly constructed and if the server returns the expected response.

36.  Request Composer.  Now you can create HTTP(S) GET or POST requests manually without recording a test scenario. This is especially helpful for performance testing of a restful API

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